There’s an old hymn that says, “I’ll tell the world that I’m a Christian.” It is a good song with an evangelistic message, but Jesus has already told us how others will know we are His followers.

By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. (John 13:35)

The Greatest Love Displayed

The greatest display of love is when God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to die upon the cross for our sins. The billows of God’s wrath rolled upon Christ as he suffered and died for our sins against God. Three days later, Jesus rose from the dead, defeating death, Hell, and the grave. Through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, we have everlasting life. THAT IS LOVE!

Those who have trusted Christ as Savior will be clearly identified by that Christ-like love in their hearts toward others.


Christ-Like Love Described

Every person needs three homes: a Heavenly home, a Christian home, and a church home.  Let me comment on the last of those. I believe strongly in the local church. It is Christ’s body on the earth. I trust every Christian makes a local church his or her priority.

The local church ought to be made up of those who love one another. We are not speaking of lust but of real love. This is Christ-like love, and it is described in I Corinthians 13:1-8. When one of us weeps, we all weep. When one of us is glad, we all rejoice. When one makes a mistake, we are ready to forgive. There is kindness, but there is no gladness over sin. When one is in need, we help meet that need. Our love is not in words alone; our love is in deeds and in truth.

Christ-like love means taking the right stand in the right spirit. What good is it for every “I” to be dotted and every “T” to be crossed, if we look down upon others in pride and self-righteousness? What good is it if we have the right positions but no one even likes one another?

To be clear, we must never sacrifice truth, but love and truth are not enemies. The Bible says that Jesus Christ was “full of grace and truth.” The Bible says we are to speak the truth in love.


Known as His Disciples

My prayer is that God fill my heart with His love for others. I believe that we will not do the wrong thing when we act in Christ-like love, nor will we be stumbling blocks to others when we act in such love. God is love. To love others means we seek God and His will for ourselves and others. Let us ask God to see others and treat others as He wants them to be treated.

The Lord said people will know we are His disciples if we love one another.