
What if you could walk on water? Think of the sheer excitement of water feeling like hard ground under your feet! Of course, I am thinking of when Peter who actually did walk on water because the Lord Jesus gave him the opportunity. Yes, he did eventually begin to sink, but you have to admire the faith that was willing to get out of the boat and go to Jesus!

Think about it! Somewhere in Peter’s heart, he was thinking that Jesus was big enough to let him walk on the water and go to the Lord. That’s faith!

What did it feel like to have the water under his feet?

No, I am not trying to build a case for sheer emotionalism, but I do recognize that movement naturally creates a stir. Stepping out in faith is far more exhilarating than staying in a comfort zone!

What does it feel like to have the water under your feet?

Comfort zones are comfortable and easy, but they are ruts. Someone said that a rut is just a grave with both ends knocked out!  Comfort zones are those areas of life where we have figured it out. We do not need to exercise faith, because we already understand it and know how to navigate it!

Peter had 11 other men with him in the boat, so why were there not 12 water-walkers that night? Why was Peter, alone, willing to get out of the boat while the others sat still in the familiar surroundings, guarded and assured by the wood and nails that made up their vessels?

Does your heart burn to do something great for God? Like Caleb, do you want to take the mountain God has promised you? Like the children of Israel, are you ready to walk through the Red Sea for God’s glory? Like Peter, do you want to go to Jesus on the water?

The Christian life is a faith life! It begins in faith; it is lived in faith; it ends in faith.

For we walk by faith, not by sight: – II Corinthians 5:7

I do not want to one day kneel before Jesus and make excuses about all that I thought about doing for His glory! I do not wish to spend my life watching someone else walk on the water to go to the Master!

Like a sponge, ruts will take the life out of you! Before long, you find that you are merely existing rather than looking at what God is going to do! Dare to do something great for God’s glory!

William Carey said:

Expect great things from God; attempt great things for God.

Charles Spurgeon said:

Brethren, go in for something great!

The Lord is glorified when His people bear much fruit! Let us not settle for fruit or even more fruit. Let us go after much fruit for His name’s sake!

Think of what it means when God puts some dreams and desires in your heart! Think of what it means when you are in the deep end and cannot see the bottom of the lake, but you know that God will not fail you there! Think of what it means when you have no idea what is coming next, but you know that God will work it together for good to them that love God! This is living! This is life with God rather than trying to exist without God.

This is what it means to have the water under your feet!

Some basic truths for living by faith

By the way, this topic is not meant to be carte blanche to just do what feels good or to just do what you want. This is about God’s will. This is about trusting Him! Here are some simple guidelines:

  1. The will of God will never lead you contrary to the word of God! Psalm 119:105
  2. Pray about decisions that you make. I Thessalonians 5:17
  3. Ask good advice from godly people when you seek to make decisions. Proverbs 24:6
  4. Don’t limit God. He can handle the little requests as surely as He can handle the “big” requests. Psalm 81:10
  5. Don’t throw away what God has placed in your life because you think you want something else. Remember, grass grows green over septic tanks too! Genesis 13:10